The ARAB FUTURE (AL MUSTAQBAL AL ARABI), No. 528, February 2023



Weight0,265 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
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Electronic, Paper


Water in the Maghreb: water security and sustainable development…………………………………. Abdel Al-Rahman BenKarara        7

In late 2022, the world recorded a significant decline in natural water resources as a result of climate changes, high temperatures, irregularity of rain. This study examines the most important problems facing the Maghreb region, in light of its increasing population in recent decades, increased uptake of natural water resources whether for agricultural or industrial activities, examining the implications of such behavior on the sustainability of water resources for future generations. The study attempts to formulate an approach to evaluate the public policies pursued by Maghreb governments to ensure the sustainability of available natural water resources as well as possible alternatives to maintain water security and sustainable development.

Social protection according to minimal social limit: Criticism of the neoliberal perspective………………….. Rashid Bin Beh      23

This study analyzes how the debate on social protection in developing countries evolved, and questions the Moroccan project for generalizing health coverage in light of the results of a comparative study that showcases the experiences of European and Asian countries in that field. The study foretells a limited impact of such policy, and reveals that social protection programs applied in Morocco on the recommendation of the World Bank, do not aim at building a social welfare state as it is claimed, but rather establish a neoliberal approach to social management, based on providing the social minimum, and aim to reset the social context in a globalized context. This is especially so, after the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund failed to raise levels of development.

Human factor impact on Libyan national security……….. Al-Mahdi Ibrahim      38

This study sheds light on national security from the perspective of a contemporary internal vision. The study does not replicate what other published papers had already deliberated about, which is external influences effects on national security. Instead, it describes and analyzes internal factors that could influence national security; It deals with the human element as an independent variable that would influence the dependent variable, the Libyan national security, which affects all sectors of the state directly and indirectly. It is a form of development that encompass all dimensions, forms and levels. Putting a Stop to development means neglecting national security, and this will inevitably lead to the state’s deterioration.

Populism and the second wave of the Arab Spring: Sudan as a model………………………………. Muhammad Khalifa Siddiq      54

This paper examines populism in Sudan and its specificity. The paper works on dismantling the Sudanese populist situation, and criticizes the populist discourse, which is widespread among multiple political elites in Sudan. The paper adopts an inductive approach to track populist discourse against the elite, and to what extent and through what tools this discourse succeeds in inciting the Sudanese public. The paper concludes that there are colonial elements effecting populism in Sudan. British colonialism drove a wedge between the Sudanese social components, by dividing the Sudanese into Arabs and Africans, Muslims and Christians, northerners and southerners, and sought to build barriers to prevent the integration of sub-national identities in Sudan.

Institutionalization of the disciplined body and its exploitation by the Israeli system……………………………….. Malikah Abed Al-Latif      70

Israel concerns were directed towards the Palestinian as a subject that must be tamed and made compliant. The prejudice structure of Zionist state, which is based on Jewish supremacy, facilitated the implementation of policies that targeted the Palestinians and in achieving colonialist goals. Disciplining the Palestinian body occupied an important aspect in the practices of the Israeli authority and its institutions. Accordingly, the legal system and state apparatus do not hesitate to discipline the Palestinian bodies. In addition, if discipline fails, Israel may resort to the possibility of stripping the Palestinian body from the right to live, forcing the individual to live within the scope of a naked life. Thus, the fear of living a naked life becomes a deterring practice that helps in disciplining bodies.

Straits, sea lanes and Hegemony in the world (File – 4)

As rising regional and global powers strengthen their geostrategic position, confronting the US hegemony, competition over control of the world’s straits, sea lanes and influence over routes of strategic goods and resources, both traditional and alternative, arose. Given the location of the main straits and sea lanes in the Arab region and its vital surroundings, global and regional powers are racing to strengthen their military presence in the region, fueling conflicts and wars with the aim of realizing control. This issue of Al Mustaqbal Al Arabi will encompass the fourth series of the file on straits, sea lanes, and hegemony projects in the world, especially the American-Israeli aim to control the Arab region, and the extent to which Arab normalization with Israel strengthen Israel’s geostrategic interests in the region, and thus the escalation of regional and global competition over control of the straits and sea lanes.

International competition over maritime straits in the Arab region and its impact on Arab regional security…………………………….. Mohamed Zaitouni & Abeer Bouakaz      87

This study sheds light on the geostrategic importance of maritime straits in the Arab region, and the various threats and challenges facing these straits, the most important of which is the attempts made by regional and international powers to impose control over them to protect their interests by various means and strategies. This study attempts to show to what extent does this situation impacts Arab regional security and how Arab countries deal with this competitive environment, and whether do the Arab countries share a unified vision of Arab regional security and maritime straits security? The importance of this study lies in the findings that are unraveled.

Malacca Strait: its strategic importance and geopolitical influence regionally and globally…………………… Ali Qassem Miqdad    104

The geostrategic importance of Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia does not need explanation. This region has always been the center of attention, it is of vital strategic importance to a number of major international powers, with competition raging for several centuries. This is due to the geographical location and the economic importance of the region, in addition to global energy security, which is largely dependent on securing the sea lanes in the region, especially Malacca Strait. These factors have made the Strait of Malacca a hotbed of current and future geostrategic, geoeconomic, and geopolitical competition between the most prominent regional and global powers. This study attempts to shed light on this matter and analyze it.

Strait of Malacca and the international conflict in East Asia in light of the Chinese growing role in the world…………………………………. Mohammad Abu Ghazleh    121

This study aims to highlight the growing geostrategic importance of Malacca Strait, and to analyze the axes of competition and conflict between the main regional and international powers in that region, and determining what implications does that have over stability in East Asia and the international system from a realistic perspective. The study concludes that the actors’ behavior is governed by political realism. While the emerging regional system appears liberal in form, it is in fact realistic in substance. Therefore, in light of the growing global interest in the vicinity of the broader strait, the Indo-Pacific region, the conflict of interests there, especially between the United States and China, will be a determining factor in structuring the international system, and may pave the way for the establishment of a multipolar international system.


Russia Versus the West: An Interview with Russia’s Ambassador to Lebanon, Mr. Alexander Rudakov………………………………………….     138

Articles and Opinions

The Arab Reality in a World of Creative Chaos: The Triangle of Weakness, Dependency, and the Absence of the Power Project……………………………………………… Saeed Al-Hussein Abdali    145

Books and readings

Environmental education in Morocco and building the ecological citizen (Fawzi Bu Khreis & Abdullah Harhar) ……….. Muhammad Al-Dahani    154

Books Summeries………………………………………………………………..       160

Arabic books: The Zionist Economy and the Palestinian Economy; Consociational democracy and political stability in Iraq; Human Conscience in the Era of Corona: Diaries and Contemplations; Legitimacy and democratization in the Arab world: Tunisia and Egypt as examples.

Foreign books: New Order in the Gulf: The Rise of the UAE; Governance and Domestic Policy-Making in Saudi Arabia: Transforming Society, Economics, Politics and Culture; The Bill of Obligations: The Ten Habits of Good Citizens.

Research reports: «Conflicts to Watch in 2023: Preventive Priorities Survey Results», «The First Battle of the Next War: Wargaming a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan», «After Ukraine: Russia’s Potential Military and Nuclear Compensation to Iran».

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