Talks and Correspondence of Ajaj Nuweihid: The Arab Movement (1905-1933)

12 $19 $

AuthorBayan Nuweihid al HoutDate30/5/2022No. of Pages688EditionfirstISBN9789953829753E-ISBN9786144981139


Weight1,02 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies published the book Talks and Correspondence of Ajaj Nuweihid: The Arab Movement (1905-1933) by Bayan Nuweihid al Hout.

With the escalation of the role of the Pan-Turanism and the Turkification movement in the Ottoman Empire, Arab awareness began to increase among the Arab elites in the Arab regions of that state, and the Arab movement began to express itself through secret societies that were intellectually and politically active in spreading the call for unity, and a large number of its pioneers paid their lives on the gallows as a price for their Arab principles of liberation and independence. Although the events of the beginning of the last century, especially the First World War and the dramatic repercussions and consequences that followed in the region, were stronger than the ambitions of those elites; never the less, what those elites established and launched represented the seeds of the Arab national movement in the twentieth century.

This book brings us back to the diaries of the Arab movement and its events since its emergence at the beginning of the twentieth century until the end of the first third of that century, as lived and narrated by a group of pioneers of that movement or those close to them. In this book, Ajaj Nuweihid, one of the most prominent pioneers of that Arab movement, presents historical testimonies of a number of pioneers of the Arab movement, which he began collecting in the fifties of the last century, either through direct oral conversations or by correspondence, which are testimonies in which they present pages of their struggle biography, covering For the first time  detailed aspects of that experience that have not been lit up before, adding new chapters to the history of that stage.

These correspondences and conversations with thirty-two pioneers of the Arab movement, left by Ajaj Nuweihid in the custody of his daughter Bayan, who worked on them for years, documenting, checking, presenting and explaining- to be published today in this book, which actually represents a documentary and historical work of reference, as it sheds light on events and situations published for the first time, based on the testimonies of those who participated in making the history of that stage.

بيان نويهض الحوت

مؤرخة وباحثة، ولدت في مدينة القدس، ونشأت في فلسطين والأردن. استقرت عائلتها في لبنان الوطن الأول. حصلت على دكتوراه دولة في العلوم السياسية من الجامعة اللبنانية. أستاذة «القضية الفلسطينية» و«قضايا شرق أوسطية» في كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية - الفرع الأول في الجامعة اللبنانية (1978 – 2001). من مؤلفاتها: صبرا وشاتيلا: أيلول 1982 (2003)؛ فلسطين: القضية، الشعب، الحضارة: التاريخ السياسي من عهد الكنعانيين حتى القرن العشرين - 1917 (1991)؛  القيادات والمؤسسات السياسية في فلسطين: 1917 – 1948 (1981).

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