Palestine : From Here Emerged Civilization From the Paleolithic to the Chalcolithic Age

8,00 $13,00 $

AuthorAhmed El-DabashDate31/3/2021No. of Pages160EditionfirstISBN9789953829098E-ISBN9786144981450

Category Tag

Weight0,19 kg
Dimensions21,5 × 13,5 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Centre for Arab Unity Studies published the English book Palestine : From Here Emerged Civilization From the Paleolithic to the Chalcolithic Age by Ahmed El-Dabash.

The Zionist movement propaganda was keen on spreading lies and fallacies in its efforts to justify its usurpation of Palestine. The Zionist narrative, based on a secularized interpretation of the Bible, viewed Palestine as the “Promised Land”, and the “Chosen People” must return to it. Furthermore, it considered the Jews the Holy People returning to their Holy Land. Zionism propaganda portrayed the existence of the Palestinian people in their land as a mere passing existence, a coincidence. In fact, this renunciation was so extreme to the point of denying the existence of the Palestinian people on their land as embodied in the slogan: “a land without a people for a people without a land”.

This book exposes the fallacies of the Israeli narrative about the history of Jerusalem, and Palestine in general. It provides a contrasting different narrative of a history free from the mythological background derived from the Torah and free from the presumptions that determine archeological studies that make the Torah narrative its historical and geographical reference while aiming at the exclusion of the Palestinian Arab identity from the archaeological discoveries in Palestine.

The book contributes to formulating of a true history of the city of Jerusalem, and deconstruct the Torah narrative as a true history by relying on the results of archaeological excavations and recent archaeological information that have proven fallacious and with no historical validity the Zionist claims linking the city of Jerusalem to the Torah narrative.

This book was originally published in Arabic by Dar Safahat, Damascus and Dubai in 2017. It was translated to English by Manal Sherbini.

أحمد الدبش

كاتب وباحث فلسطيني في التاريخ القديم، من بلدة القبيبة، قضاء الرملة. مجاز في الحقوق من جامعة عين شمس. وهو عضوٌ في نقابة المحامين المصريين، وعضوٌ في اتحاد المحامين العرب، وعضوٌ في اتحاد الكُتَّاب السويدي، وعضوٌ نقابة الصحافيين السويدية. له عدَّة مؤلفات في التاريخ القديم، وجغرافية الكتاب المقدس، منها: "القدس: التاريخ الحقيقي من أقدم العصور إلى الاحتلال الفارسي" (الذي فاز بجائزة عام 2022)؛ وبحثًا عن النبي إبراهيم؛ وفلسطين: من هنا بدأت الحضارة من العصر الحجري القديم إلى العصر الحجري النحاسي؛ وغيرها من المؤلفات.

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