Nasser as He Governed (2 Vol.) – The Ba ‘athists as They Governed (1 Vol.)

24 $39 $

AuthorKamal Khalaf AL-TawilDate28/02/2024No. of Pages1328 (total)EditionFirstISBN9786144980514 (The Set)E-ISBN9786144980682

Categories ,

Weight2 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies published the book: A New Visit to Arab History (in its three parts), Nasser as He Governed (2 Vol.) – The Ba ‘athists as They Governed (1 Vol), by Dr. Kamal Khalaf AL-Tawil. The book, in its three parts, presents a new reading of the Arab National Movement’s experience in governance in the second half of the last century.

The Arab National Movement arose in the first half of the last century as a renaissance project on one hand, which would bring the region out of its depression and unite it on the foundations of a common Arab cultural identity and common history, and as a national liberation movement on the other hand, in the face of colonial hegemonic projects, in which dividing the Arab region and planting the Zionist entity in it presented one of its most prominent manifestations, risks, effects, and control mechanisms. Therefore, Arab unity and the liberation of Palestine represented the most prominent issues that the national movement, with its Nasserite and Baathist trends, sought to achieve. But the presence of these two trends in government in other than an Arab country for decades was not sufficient to achieve these two goals, let alone other political, social and economic goals. This book – the trilogy takes us back to the era of Arab nationalism in governance, in three countries ruled by two main Arab nationalist movements on the Arab scene: the Nasserist movement in Egypt, and in Syria for a short period, and the Baath Party in Syria and Iraq, with two separate wings.

This book, in its first and second parts of the trilogy, deals with the experience of Gamal Abdel Nasser in power, and in its third part, it deals with the experience of the Baath Party in power in both Syria and Iraq, revealing important details in those experiences in their various dimensions, political, military, security, and administrative; and the local, Arab, and international circumstances that arose in its ruling period, the challenges it faced, its strengths and weaknesses, its achievements, and the failures it encountered. The book sheds light on many details about the factors of success and failure, victory and defeat, in the path of Abdel Nasser or in the path of the Baath Party in both Syria and Iraq separately, and provides a pan-Arab critical reading of those experiences that can provide lessons for any pan-Arab liberation project in the present and future.

كمال خلف الطويل

طبيب أشعة زاول مهنته لثلث قرن في الولايات المتحدة، وساكنٌ في التاريـخ ومسكونٌ به قبل وبعد. ولد في 16 أيار/ مايو 1952 في بيت لحم، على كونه من البيرة - فلسطين، ثم عاش ودرس في دمشق منذ عام 1956، وتخرج فـي كليتها الطبية عام 1975، ليغادر بعدها للاختصاص في الولايات المتحـدة. تقلد هناك مناصب ذات صلة: رئاسة الجمعية الطبية العربية الأمريكية؛ رئاسة جمعيـة الخريجين العرب الأمريكيين؛ رئاسة جمعية البيرة - فلسطين؛ وعضو مجلـس أمنـاء اللجنة العربية الأمريكية لمكافحة التمييز العنصري. انضم لعضوية المؤتمر القومي العربـي عام 2000 وانتخب عضوًا فـي أمانته العامـة 2003-2010. وهو عضو اللجنة التنفيذيـة لمركز دراسات الوحدة العربية وعمل مديرًا له في عام 2015. الشغف بالتاريـخ والسكنى في إهابه باتا نصًا من أقانيم ثلاثة، أراد منه صاحبه أن يكون صلة وصل لأجيال بازغة مع ماض ليس ببعيد كان فيه العرب ذوي شأو... أو هكذا بدا...

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