Narratives of Arab Secularism: Politics, Feminism, and Religion

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AuthorYoussef M. Choueiri, translated by: Galaa Samir AnasDate13/2/2025No. of Pages352 EditionFirstISBN9786144983683E-ISBN9786144983690

Categories ,

Weight0,530 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies issued the book Narratives of Arab Secularism: Politics, Feminism, and Religion by Dr. Youssef M. Choueiri, translated by Galaa Samir Anas..

This book offers a new interpretation of the rich narratives about Arab secularism, as a set of ideas related to a social movement that is destined to emerge on the political and legal horizons of most Arab countries. Youssef Choueiri presents a study that includes three stops of the development of secularism in the Arab world: The Machiavellian moment, the Alverian moment, and the Gramscian moment. Within this framework, and based on the relationship of interactive secularism to state-building projects, women’s liberation, and religion, the author addressed secularism as an intellectual current and a discursive entity that constitutes an important part of the political process in different societies. Through the chapters of the book, Choueiri shows how secularism has a pivotal presence in the religious and political life of the Arab world, revealing the interconnected components between them, such as local contributions, various reform processes, and the influence of Western countries. He concludes that secularism has become a moral precondition and a necessary means to create the necessary conditions for the success of the democratic process in the Middle East.

This book is an important requirement for both students and academics working on topics related to the Middle East, including religion, politics, anthropology, and history.

يوسف الشويري

أستاذ في التاريخ وزميل بحوثٍ فخريٍّ في جامعة مانشستر، المملكة المُتحدة. عمل كقارئ (أستاذ مُشارك) للدراسات العربية والإسلامية في جامعة إكستر وجامعة مانشستر، وفي معهد الدوحة للدراسات العُليا. ألَّف وحرَّر عددًا من الكتب، منها: التاريخ العربي والدولة القومية؛ ودليلٌ لتاريخ الشرق الأوسط؛ والأصولية الإسلامية. تشمل اهتماماته البحثية مجموعة من الموضوعات المتعلقة بالشرق الأوسط والعالم العربي والإسلامي، كظهور التأريخ العربي الحديث وتطوُّره، ومفهوم الدولة القومية، والقومية العربية، والحداثة الشرق الأوسطية والإسلاموية.

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