Contemporary History of Libya: A Collection of Studies

$12 $

AuthorAhmad Sudki AldajaniDate11/7/2019No. of Pages256EditionfirstISBN9789953828817E-ISBN9786144981962


Weight0,4 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

Published by the Center for Arab Unity Studies, a book entitled “Contemporary History of Libya: A Collection of Studies” by Ahmad Sedqi Al-Dajani.

The book combines the chapters of selected chapters of Ahmad Sedqi Al-Dajani’s books devoted to Libya and its history, which are the following books: The Senussi Movement, its Origins and Growth in the Nineteenth Century; The Beginning of Arab Vigilance and Popular Struggle in Libya 1882-1911; Conversations About the History of Libya in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century; and Libya Before the Italian Occupation .. or Tripoli of the West in the End of the Second Ottoman Era 1882-1911, issued between 1967 and 1977.In view of the depletion of these books and the absence of recent editions, the Center for Arab Unity Studies has decided to bring together sections of them to present together the history of Libya, which the Arab Library is in dire straits. Their country and their cohesion and they need what they are today to recall lessons and throughout its history.

The book includes five chapters, as well as an introduction, references and index.

أحمد صدقي الدجاني

مفكر ولغوي عربي فلسطيني، من مواليد مدينة يافا، فلسطين (1936)، وأحد رموز العمل الوطني الفلسطيني وأحد مؤسسي منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية. حصل على درجة الإجازة في التاريخ عام 1959 من الجامعة السورية، وعلى الماجستير في ليبيا. ثم حصل على درجة الدكتوراة في الآداب من قسم التاريخ في جامعة القاهرة في مصر عام 1969. شغل عدة مناصب وتحمَّل مسؤوليات عليا على مستوى العمل الوطني والقومي، فضلاً عن المستويين الثقافي والأكاديمي له عدد من الكتب والدراسات والمقالات حول قضايا عربية مختلفة.

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