Historical Background
Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Arab region has undergone several major upheavals, particularly following WWI, a time when the world witnessed the rise of a vibrant cultural and intellectual Arab nationalist movement. This movement ambitiously sought to establish a project of Renaissance for the Arab region that would unify Arab nations on the basis of shared common features, namely a common history, a common language, a common identity, and common struggles. The political challenges of then, more specifically the struggle for independence which was spearheaded by anti-colonial movements for national liberation, generated a sense of utmost urgency for the establishment for an Arab Unity as a means of reaching independence, solutions to political and economic turmoil, and the establishment a network of cooperation and mutual assistant-ship among countries of the region.
The launch of the center
Out of this pressing need for the establishment of an Arab Unity and a project for Renaissance was born the Centre for Arab Unity Studies (CAUS). In 1975, a group of renowned Arabists called for the inauguration of a Think Tank that would carry out scientific research in the aim of contributing to the enrichment of general knowledge and to the raising of awareness on key concerns in the region. General themes of interest include the historical, political, social and economic challenges that exist within and the national, transnational, and geopolitical levels. The declaration statement of the Centre for Arab Unity Studies emphasizes the importance for an Arab unity through an incentivisation of socioeconomic development and political empowerment in the international arena. The Centre is set to carry out “independent, scientific research into all aspects of Arab society and Arab unity, free of any ties to Government affiliations, and in an atmosphere far detached from partisan politics”.
CAUS`s achievements
CAUS was established in Beirut, Lebanon as a not-for-profit organization that runs its own programs in complete and unfettered autonomy. CAUS finances its projects and programs through its own income-generating activities, particularly through the sale of peer-reviewed articles and books. Other financial sources stem from voluntary and unconditional contributions made by various institutions, individuals, and other donors who showed an interest in conducting partnerships or joint activities with the Centre.
The center’s mission is founded on six core concepts that are innate to the Arab Renaissance project, namely that of an Arab unity, democracy, economic development, social justice, the revival of Arab civilization, and full independence at both the national and regional levels.
Over the past four decades, the Centre issued more than 1000 publications in the fields of political science, social sciences, economics, culture, history, science & technology, media & communication, nationalism, the Palestinian cause, environmental issues, education, documentation, and philosophy. It currently administers five journals: the journal of Contemporary Arab Affairs, Al Mustaqbal al Arabi, Idafat journal, the Arab Journal of Political Science, and the Arab Journal of Economic Research.
CAUS Vision
Since its inauguration, the Centre directed attention on the enrichment of dialogue and critical thinking of contemporary challenges in the Arab Region. In that regard, the Centre has organized over 165 conferences addressing key issues in geopolitical affairs, environmental issues, problems and possibilities of good governance, and various other obstacles that it perceives to be impeding the formation of an Arab Unity and an Arab Renaissance project. In addition, the Centre has set up over 90 workshops to discuss possible solutions and policy recommendations to help overcome the region’s challenges. The proceedings and outcomes of these conferences have all been documented and published by the Centre.