Current Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees of the Center consists of 30 members from different countries of the Arab world. The Board supervises the activities of the Center, the work of the Executive Committee, secures the resources of the Center, monitors its expenditure, approves the budget, selects an Executive Committee from among its members, approves the appointment of the Director General of the Center, and conducts a meeting every year.
Members of the Board of Trustees:
Ahmed Youssef Ahmed (Egypt), Assad Abdel Rahman (Palestine / Jordan), Ismail Al-Shatti (Kuwait), Jamil Matar (Egypt), Khadija Sabbar (Morocco), Khawla Matar (Bahrain), Samir Abed Al-Hadi (Palestine / Jordan), Saif bin Hashel Al Maskari (Sultanate of Oman), Taher Kanaan (Palestine / Jordan), Al-Tayeb Dajani (Palestine / Jordan), Abdallah El Sayed Ould Abah (Mauritania), Abdelmalek El Mikhlafi (Yemen), Arous El-Zoubeir (Algeria), Essam Nouman (Lebanon), Ali Eddin Hilal (Egypt), Ali Fakhro (Bahrain), Kamal Khalaf Al Taweel (Palestine/ United States), Labib Kamhawi (Palestine/ Jordan), Mohamed Said El Tayeb (Saudi Arabia), Mohamed Fayek (Egypt), Moheiddine Oumaymour (Algeria), May Al-Masri (Palestine/Lebanon), Mounir Shafiq (Palestine), Nasif Hetti (Lebanon), Nevine Moussaad (Egypt), Youssef El-Hassan (United Arab Emirates), Youssef El-Darweesh (Qatar), Youssef Shuwairi (Lebanon).
Dr. Ali Muhammad Fakhro chairs the Board of Trustees of the Center after he was elected unanimously for a second term of four years at the meeting of the Board that was held on January 20, 2023. The renewal for a second term was also held for the Chairman of the Executive Committee, Dr. Ahmed Youssef Ahmed, and the members of the committee, Professor Al-Tayeb Dajani, Dr. Ali Eddin Hilal, Dr. Kamal Khalaf Al Taweel, Dr. Nevine Moussaad, Dr. Youssef El-Hassan and Dr. Youssef Shuwairi.
The Board of Trustees also includes honorary members who contributed to the establishment of the Center and supporting national and Arab causes, and they participated over many years effectively in the Board.
Executive Committee
It is composed of seven members elected by the Board of Trustees from among its members for a four-year-period. The Board of trustees renewed for the executive committee for a second term on a meeting held on January 20, 2023. The renewal for a second term was also held for the Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Ahmed Youssef Ahmed. The members of the committee are: Professor Al-Tayeb Dajani, Dr. Ali Eddin Hilal, Dr. Kamal Khalaf Al Taweel, Dr. Nevine Moussaad, Dr. Youssef El-Hassan and Dr. Youssef Shuwairi.
The Center is managed by a Director General selected by the Executive Committee for a four-year-period and approved by the Board of Trustees. The Director General supervises the administrative body of the Center and submits periodic reports on the Center’s activities and financial situation to the Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees. Mrs. Luna Mufleh Abu Suwaireh was appointed Director General of the Center in May 2017.