(*) نُشرت هذه الدراسة في مجلة المستقبل العربي العدد 461 في تموز /يوليو 2017.
(**) نوار جليل هاشم: باحث في مركز المستنصرية للدراسات العربية والدولية – العراق.
[1] للمزيد حول الهجرة إلى بريطانيا، انظر: «The Shock from Brexit: A Sharp but Short Blow from a UK EU Exit,» Financial Markets Research, Economics (27 January 2016), p. 1, <https://www.ingwb.com/media/1348279/the-shock-from-brexit-report-280116.pdf>.
[2] Madeleine Sumption, «Would Leaving the EU Reduce Immigration to the UK?,» The UK in the Changing Europe (1 October 2015), <http://ukandeu.ac.uk/would-leaving-the-eu-reduce-immigration-to-the-uk/>.
[3] «EU Referendum Pros and Cons: Should Britain Vote to Leave Europe?,» The Week (19 May 2017), <http://www.theweek.co.uk/news-opinion>.
[4] Steven Erlanger, «Britain Votes to Leave E.U.; Cameron Plans to Step Down,» The New York Times, 23/6/2016, <https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/25/world/europe/britain-brexit-european-union-referendum.html?_r=0>.
[5] «The UK Should Leave the European Union,» <http://debatewise.org/debates/784-the-uk-should-leave-the-european-union/>.
[6] المصدر نفسه.
[7] «7 Reasons Why We Should Leave the EU,» Developed by Bridge Enterprises 2016 Campaign for an Independent Britain, All Rights Reserved Promoted by Petrina Holdsworth on behalf of the Campaign for an Independent Britain, <http://campaignforanindependentbritain.org.uk/the-economy/>.
[8] «EU Referendum Pros and Cons: Should Britain Vote to Leave Europe?,» Op. cit.
[9] Rupert Baines, «What are the Pros and Cons of Britain Exiting/Staying in the EU?,» Quora (2016), <https://www.quora.com>.
[10] «10 Reasons to Leave Why We Should Leave: The Top Ten Reasons We Would Be Better Off Out,» Betteroffout (2016), <http://www.betteroffout.net/the-case/10-reasons-wed-be-better-off-out/>.
[11] «In or Out? Britain’s Future in Europe: Research Carried out by Opinium Research for Lansons Public Affairs and Cambre Associates in association with City of London Corporation,» 3 December 2013, p. 38, <http://opinium.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/in_or_out_brochure_v3.pdf>.
[12] Ben Clements, «IEA Brexit Prize: Britain Outside the European Union,» pp. 79‑80, <http://iea.org.uk/sites/default/files/publications/files/Clement%20BREXIT%20entry_for%20web_0.pdf>.
[13] Baines, «What are the Pros and Cons of Britain Exiting/Staying in the EU?».
[14] Gianmarco Ottaviano [et al.], «The Costs and Benefits of Leaving the EU,» CFS Working Paper no. 472 (13 May 2014), p. 2, <https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2506664>.
[15] «EU Referendum Pros and Cons: Should Britain Vote to Leave Europe?,» Op. cit.
[16] «The UK Should Leave the European Union,» <http://debatewise.org/debates/784-the-uk-should-leave-the-european-union/>.
[17] «EU Referendum Pros and Cons: Should Britain Vote to Leave Europe?,» Op. cit.
[18] Baines, «What are the Pros and Cons of Britain Exiting/Staying in the EU?».
[19] «The UK Should Leave the European Union,» <http://debatewise.org/debates/784-the-uk-should-leave-the-european-union/>.
[20] المصدر نفسه.
[21] المصدر نفسه.
[22] «EU Referendum Pros and Cons: Should Britain Vote to Leave Europe?,» Op. cit.
[23] «The UK Should Leave the European Union,» <http://debatewise.org/debates/784-the-uk-should-leave-the-european-union/>.
[24] «The Brexit Briefs our Guide to Britain’s EU Referendum,» The Economist (June 2016), p. 13.
[25] «EU Referendum Pros and Cons: Should Britain Vote to Leave Europe?,» Op. cit.
[26] «7 Reasons Why We Should Leave the EU,» Op. cit.
[27] Baines, «What are the Pros and Cons of Britain Exiting/Staying in the EU?».
[28] «EU Referendum Pros and Cons: Should Britain Vote to Leave Europe?,» Op. cit.
[29] Andrew Grice, «Brexit: What Happens If the UK Leaves the EU?,» Independent, 24/6/2016, <http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-what-will-happen-eu-referendum-vote-leave-how-will-it-affect-me-a7094096.html>.
[30] Baines, «What are the Pros and Cons of Britain Exiting/Staying in the EU?».
[31] Grice, Ibid.
[32] «What Happens If We Leave?,» HM Government EU Referendum, 23 June 2016, <http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20160815143715/https:/www.eureferendum.gov.uk/>.
[33] Swati Dhingra, Gianmarco Ottaviano and Thomas Sampson, «Should We Stay or Should We Go?: The Economic Consequences of Leaving the EU,» (A series of background briefings on the policy issues in the May 2015 UK General Election), Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science, p. 2, <http://cep.lse.ac.uk/pubs/download/EA022.pdf>.
[34] المصدر نفسه، ص 7.
[35] Rafal Kierzenkowski [et al.], «The Economic Consequences of Brexit: A Taxing Decision,» OECD Economic Policy Paper, no. 16 (April 2016), <http://www.oecd.org/eco/The-Economic-consequences-of-Brexit-27-april-2016.pdf>.
[36] «BREXIT 2016: Policy Analysis from the Centre for Economic Performance,» Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science (June 2016), p. ii, <http://cep.lse.ac.uk/pubs/download/brexit08_book.pdf>.
[37] لمزيد من التفاصيل حول التجارة، انظر: Eralanger, «Britain Votes to Leave E.U.; Cameron Plans to Step Down».
[38] Grice, «Brexit: What Happens If the UK Leaves the EU?».
[39] Tony Barber, «Five Consequences of the UK’s Exit from the EU,» Financial Times, 24/6/2016, <https://www.ft.com/content/b1a2d66e-3715‑11e6‑9a05‑82a9b15a8ee7>.
[40] «Out and Down Mapping the Impact of Brexit,» (A Report by the Economist Intelligence Unit, The Economist, 2016), p. 7, <https://www.eiu.com/public/topical_report.aspx?campaignid=Brexit>.
[41] «BREXIT 2016: Policy Analysis from the Centre for Economic Performance,» p. 25.
[42] Brexit: The UK Referendum on EU Membership Update for Chambers Institute of International and European Affairs European Movement Ireland British Irish Chamber of Commerce, 24 June 2016, p. 4.
[43] «What Happens If We Leave?,» Op. cit.
[44] «The UK Should Leave the European Union,» <http://debatewise.org/debates/784-the-uk-should-leave-the-european-union/>.
[45] «The Shock from Brexit: A Sharp but Short Blow from a UK EU Exit,» p. 1.
[46] «BREXIT 2016: Policy Analysis from the Centre for Economic Performance,» p. v.
[47] Ibid., p. v.
[48] John Springford and Simon Tilford, «The Great British Trade-off: The Impact of Leaving the EU on the UK’s Trade and Investment,» Center for European Reform (January 2014), p. 1, <https://www.cer.org.uk/sites/default/files/publications/attachments/pdf/2014/pb_britishtrade_16jan14‑8285.pdf>.
[49] Alex Hunt and Brian Wheeler, «The UK’s EU Referendum: All You Need to Know,» BBC News, 25 April 2017, <http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-32810887>.
[50] Ian Bond [et al.], «Europe after Brexit: Unleashed or Undone?,» Center for European Reform (April 2016), p. 5, <http://www.cer.org.uk/publications/archive/policy-brief/2016/europe-after-brexit-unleashed-or-undone>.
[51] Baines, «What are the Pros and Cons of Britain Exiting/Staying in the EU?».
[52] «The UK Should Leave the European Union,» <http://debatewise.org/debates/784-the-uk-should-leave-the-european-union/>.
[53] Baines, Ibid.
[54] Josh Horwitz, «The UK «Leave» Vote Could Trigger a Wave of Exits throughout the EU,» Quartz (24 June 2016), <https://qz.com/715569/the-uk-leave-vote-could-lead-to-a-domino-of-exits-throughout-the-eu/>.
[55] «Brexit – contingency Planning for Corporates,» Allen and Overy (March 2016), p. 2 , <http://www.allenovery.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/AO_01_Brexit_Specialist_paper_Contingency_planning.PDF>.
[56] «Out and Down Mapping the Impact of Brexit,» Op. cit, p. 7.
[57] Edward Aldred, «Brexit: Where Do the Parties Stand?,» Open Europe Berlin, 27 February 2016, <http://www.openeuropeberlin.de/brexit-where-do-the-parties-stand-by-edward-aldred/>.
[58] «General Election 2017: Where UK’s Parties Stand on Brexit,» BBC News (25 April 2017), <http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-39665835>.
[59] المصدر نفسه.
[60] المصدر نفسه.
[61] Tim Oliver, «Europe without Britain Assessing the Impact on the European Union of a British Withdrawal,» SWP Research Paper, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik German Institute for International and Security Affairs – Berlin (September 2013), p. 19, <https://www.swp-berlin.org/fileadmin/contents/products/research_papers/2013_RP07_olv.pdf>.
[62] المصدر نفسه، ص 6.
[63] Mark Leonard, «The British Problem and What It Means for Europe,» European Council on Foreign Relations, Policy Brief (11 March 2015), p. 8, <http://www.ecfr.eu/publications/summary/the_british_problem_and_what_it_means_for_europe311252>.
[64] Erlanger, «Britain Votes to Leave E.U.; Cameron Plans to Step Down».
[65] Horwitz, «The UK «Leave» Vote Could Trigger a Wave of Exits throughout the EU».
[66] Vaughne Miller and Arabella Lang, «Brexit: What Happens Next?,» House of Commons Library, Briefing Paper no. 07632 (30 June 2016), p. 33, <http://http://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-7632/CBP-7632.pdf>.
[67] «In or Out? Britain’s Future in Europe: Research Carried out by Opinium Research for Lansons Public Affairs and Cambre Associates in association with City of London Corporation,» Op. cit., p. 38.
[68] Peter van Ham, «Brexit: Strategic Consequences for Europe: A Scenario Study,» Clingendael Report (February 2016), p. 22, <http://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/Brexit%20Report%20February%202016.pdf>.
[69] Leonard, «The British Problem and What It Means for Europe».
[70] Miller and Lang, «Brexit: What Happens Next?,» p. 23.
[71] Bond [et al.], «Europe after Brexit: Unleashed or Undone?,» p. 8.
[72] المصدر نفسه، ص 11.
[73] «BREXIT: The Impact on the UK and the EU,» Global Counsel (June 2015), p. 25, <https://www.global-counsel.co.uk/sites/default/files/special-reports/downloads/Global%20Counsel_Impact_of_Brexit.pdf>.
[74] Hunt and Wheeler, «The UK’s EU Referendum: All You Need to Know».
[75] «The Impact of «BREXIT» on UK Air Transport,» IATA Economics (June 2016), p. 4, <http://www.iata.org/whatwedo/Documents/economics/impact_of_brexit.pdf>.
[76] Oliver, «Europe without Britain Assessing the Impact on the European Union of a British Withdrawal,» pp. 21‑22.
[77] «The Shock from Brexit: A Sharp but Short Blow from a UK EU Exit,» p. 8.
[78] «BREXIT: The Impact on the UK and the EU,» Op. cit.
[79] «The Shock from Brexit: A Sharp but Short Blow from a UK EU Exit,» p. 7.
[80] Brexit: The UK Referendum on EU Membership, Briefing for Chambers, Institute of International and European Affairs European Movement Ireland, British Irish Chamber of Commerce (May 2016), p. 9.
[81] «BREXIT 2016: Policy Analysis from the Centre for Economic Performance,» p. i.
[82] Oliver, «Europe without Britain Assessing the Impact on the European Union of a British Withdrawal,» p. 18.
[83] Barber, «Five Consequences of the UK’s Exit from the EU».
[84] Doug Criss, «5 Reasons Why Americans Should Care about Brexit,» CNN Politics, 24 June 2016, <http://edition.cnn.com/2016/06/24/politics/brexit-what-this-means-us/>.
[85] Theodore R. Bromund, «U.S. Interests in the United Kingdom and Europe after Brexit,» The Heritage Foundation, 14 September 2016, <http://www.heritage.org/europe/commentary/us-interests-the-united-kingdom-and-europe-after-brexit>.
[86] «UK Triggers Brexit, Starts Eyeing Up Middle East,» Middle East Eye (2017), <http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/uks-brexit-deals-middle-east-738488459>.
[87] «The Middle East Reacts to Brexit,» Middle East Policy Council, <http://www.mepc.org/commentary/middle-east-reacts-brexit>.
[88] Crispin Blunt [et al.], «Britain after Brexit: Old Friendships and New Opportunities in the Middle East,» Conservative Middle East Council (December 2016), <https://cmec.org.uk/sites/default/files/field/attachment/CMEC%20BREXIT%20Pr%204.pdf>.
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